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On that last click, you may have noticed that, with an instrument as sensitive as a keyboard or mouse, you don’t need much tension.

Think how much freer you would feel if you worked like this all the time.

    Learn how to change. . .

      Learning to pay attention to your body while you work is the first step in avoiding body problems, enhancing your energy level and improving your concentration. This is exactly what you learn with the Alexander Technique. It might sound like a lot to think about, but actually a gentle application of these skills makes you feel loose rather than stuck, fluid rather than stiff, and a lot more energized.

    By getting in touch. . .

      As we get totally wrapped up on our work, most of us lose touch with our bodies. We often don’t realize our discomfort until the end of the day. With the Alexander Technique, you can reconnect to your body, heed the warning signs of stress before they escalate, and stay in balance more of the time.

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